Thursday, December 11, 2014


Interrogations lasted for days, detains were having a lot of tortures such as forced to stand on broken legs, or go 180 hours with sleepless nights, but that's just the beginning. There is a prisoner who actually froze to death because the prison was so cold, these are very harsh punishments but it gets worse.

There's a thing called water boarding which basically is not physically harmful but it leads to convulsions and vomiting. One guy named Abu Zubayduh became unresponsive form bubbles rising from his open mouth. Another guy named Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was water boarded at least 180 times while he was in prison.

 In November 2002 a detainee was almost nude and chained to the floor and died, they said it was caused by hypothermia. They say it was so dark that the guards had to wear head lamps to see, they were in a cobalt. While at the cobalt the CIA forced some detainees to stand in stress-inducing positions while they had either broken legs or broken feet.

                 I got this information on this site

                Osama Bin Laden was often left alone, cold and shackled, handcuffed to a bar for 22 hours a day that is according to the report that they have. They had a salt pit which they used to a put person in which is close to a dungeon and they would die just like Gul Rahman did. They beat them, drug them by the hair, chained them to the floor, and taped mouths.

 This death is caused by hypothermia but his legs were all bruised and cut. These guards also used head lamps to see in the dark, so they can count the two dozen in the cells. The lights did illuminate prisoners that were hanging from overhead bars, there were buckets on the floor to catch their waste, actually one prisoner was hanging for 17 days straight.

 Click here to find this information

The state government paid the two military psychologists $80 million to take on torture tactics. It doesn't matter if you come up with new ways to torture people, because the taxpayer amount is unacceptable, because they didn't invent anything. Survival, residents, evasion is what teaches soldiers how to survive because they are being held prisoners.

The men did not have any idea on how to use a water board technique, it was never used in their air force for that reason, but they viewed it as a convincing technique. The navy has used it in training but didn't report any long term consequences. They only performed single sessions with the water board in the navy which they did not mention.

Go to to learn more

Thursday, October 9, 2014

we need to keep the 13th amendment which is abolished slavery, except as a punishment for a crime. we need to keep it because if you do a crime, obviously your going to take a punishment for it. there are a lot of crimes going on in the world so there is a need for it. it would be written on a document by law. an amendment where if you do a crime then you have to suffer a consequence. All I am hoping for is that people learn from their mistakes. if you don't then just keep doing it and eventually you will learn but we don't want no more crime in the world. slavery shouldn't exist, its horrible people go through that every day. must be terrible to think about, especially if you have kids.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Well many people will use guns for defense, protection, hunting, ect. Guns help people in many ways as I said in the first place. Also guns can be used in dangerous ways such as to kill people or rob people. I believe people kill people because they’re the ones holding the weapon and they’re the ones that pulled the trigger. Guns don’t pull their own trigger. People should lock school doors at a certain time and open at a certain time to prevent shootings in school. Kids would be a lot safer that way and the killings will be limited. Also schools should have bullet proof glass throughout the whole school so people can’t shoot and break the glass in any way thus preventing any harm. Gun laws will be limited as well, they will also be strict. Obama is putting 1,000 police officers in school and training more health professionals to deal with young people who may be at risk. He paid $500 million on this plan. They said we are not doing enough to protect our children from shooting even though we are doing the best we can. Children wrote letters about gun violence in the weeks that followed the Newtown shooting. Obama could launch a campaign to boost public support for his proposals. Six out of ten Americans want stricter gun laws, majority favoring a nationwide ban on military-style, rapid fire weapons and limits on gun violence in video games, movies and TV shows. Also they limited high-capacity ammunition magazines and requiring background checks for all gun buyers. People will have tougher penalties for those who lie on background checks. The 2nd amendment specifically included the Bill of Rights to prevent this. Two centuries later we are in a struggle with gun control. As Americans we need to do everything in our power to protect young children from being shot in schools or nationwide. No one deserves to die, how could people just kill innocent people who doesn’t even have a life yet, who hasn’t got to live their life, who are not ready to die? Many people are dying today because of people using fire arms no matter if it’s on purpose or accident. Laws are being strict now and trying to prevent anymore shootings from happening. People will still use guns no matter what unless law prevents it. If I had to choose on this, I would say no guns at all unless you are a police officer or required to use a fire arm.