Thursday, October 9, 2014

we need to keep the 13th amendment which is abolished slavery, except as a punishment for a crime. we need to keep it because if you do a crime, obviously your going to take a punishment for it. there are a lot of crimes going on in the world so there is a need for it. it would be written on a document by law. an amendment where if you do a crime then you have to suffer a consequence. All I am hoping for is that people learn from their mistakes. if you don't then just keep doing it and eventually you will learn but we don't want no more crime in the world. slavery shouldn't exist, its horrible people go through that every day. must be terrible to think about, especially if you have kids.

1 comment:

  1. So are you amending the 13th amendment. I am confused. Currently, we do punish people who traffic slaves in the United States. Of course they have to be caught first.
