Monday, April 27, 2015

I believe that it is unfair to have to pay taxes if you are poor because you won't have enough to pay off anything else. The rich would be completely fine with paying taxes because they don't have to worry about running out of money while the poor do. What I hear is to go with a flat tax because it is fair, both pay a fair amount of money, but progressive tax lets the rich pay more and the poor pay less, that is not fair but it seems reasonable. We poor can't pay as much tax as the rich can, we got to survive on what we got while the rich can buy whatever and they don't have to worry about it, well I say the rich should pay more than the poor do. I would go with progressive tax, because what if a poor person out there has kids and a wife or husband, they need to provide for them but how if they got to pay a large amount of taxes, I say rich pay more, poor pay less. To my standpoint rich people gain money back just like that so they should have no problem paying more taxes. I say if you make more money you get more taken out and if you make less money you get less taken out. QUOTE: The Burden BS: says that a flat tax is better but it is not because can you picture a single mother working three minimum wage jobs and being able to support her kids by paying taxes and keeping food on the table and being able to pay bills, that is unfair. Some people can't afford to even pay any taxes so then what happens to them? I don't think no one thinks about that at all, what if there is a starving baby, you won't be able to provide for that poor baby, go for progressive tax because I guarantee it be much easier.

Monday, April 13, 2015

It seems that the Japanese was bad atrocities, because they made family rape family like brother and sister, mom and son, dad and daughter which is very disgusting, and they killed pregnant women. It destroyed most homes and families, many didn't survive, they killed 300,000 people where there were only 600,000 living there. Only 300,000 survived. The worst was the Germans because they burned a lot of people and killed a lot of Jews, went to trial over crime of capturing the Nazi.

Dr. Joseph Mengele was German and Dr. Shiro Ishii was Japanese, they both were on different sides.
These both were horrible men, Japanese would live longer after the war but Germans had to die, now why is that? Why do the Japanese get to live longer than the Germans? For Dr. Shiro Ishii, he would get illegal injections and make people take them just to see their bodies natural reaction, so he can experiment on it, he didn't care at all. for Dr. Joseph Mengele, he was so fascinated with twins so what he did was lined people up who got off the train and searched for twins, when he found twins he would do his experiment on identical twins. He made them take showers and then get a tattoo of numbers on their body, they were sent to be processed. He would treat them right by giving them candy, he was a good man, he would check on them every day. They got injected with things they didn't know about, talked about eye color change.

The Germans committed crime and bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. This is why the Germans went to trial, the Japanese didn't commit such crimes like the German did. The death penalty for the Germans was suggested in the discussion. The Germans wanted to kill the Nazi after capturing them because they thought it was the only solution.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nixon Essay


Richard Nixon as a person was the 37th president of the United States and the only president to resign. He should be remembered for being a part of the Watergate scandal; he was embroiled in the scandal. He served as vice-president for eight years under Eisenhower. Nixon was facing impeachment by the House of Representatives when he resigned in 1974. Watergate was a brazen and daring assault which it was led by Richard Nixon himself.

It was against the heart of American democracy; Nixon had secret tapes that were hundreds of hours. Nixon was overlapping wars against the anti-Vietnam war movement, the new media, the democrats, and the justice system and against history itself. Thomas Charles Huston who was the white house aide who devised the plan informed Nixon that it was illegal but Nixon didn’t listen so he approved it regardless of what he said.

Nixon wanted files right away at the moment, he wanted the Huston plan implemented like right now, immediately at that second, he would not wait. He got so mad he started cussing and yelling. He would not let the matter drop, he wouldn’t let it go and he wouldn’t forget. Nixon is working on cracking a safe, he needs that safe opened, he is talking to bob about it, I believe he is up to something, but the break in was apparently not carried out.

Henry Kissinger served as a security advisor and secretary of state under Nixon and ford. He was not implicated which means he wasn’t involved in the Watergate scandal but he penned an op-ed in the Washington post on the crisis in Crimea, he always approached the issue from a realistic point of view. He says through his life he has seen four wars begun with public support but no one knew how to end it; the test of policy is how it ends apparently.

Nixon failed to stop the Soviet Union; the United States had lots to offer china and wanted to support china. Nixon and henry Kissinger decided to exploit rivalry to win advantages for the United States that is called triangular diplomacy. Nixon hoped to have had a Détente which is an easing of intentions, with the USSR. Since Nixon was involved in all these wars he came up with Vietnamization to end American involvement in the Vietnam War, it would transfer all military responsibilities to South Vietnam.
Nixon believed his Vietnamization strategy would prepare the South Vietnamese to take responsibility for their own defense against a takeover and allow the United States to leave the conflict. Nixon had planned to end the war a lot of times, 31000 American lives had been lost. That is horrible that all these people would die because Nixon took too long to end the war, he started planning it with others who would help him and then he came up with a plan to finally end it. He used his strategy to stop the war once and for all.

Friday, March 13, 2015

I believe it was a friendly gesture because I think he was trying to ruin his life and he gave the president who resigned a pair of shoes. To me I like the movie because it’s all about tension, getting what one wants like they argued back and forth and only one comes out. The movie was pretty good overall, a lot of business involved in it, I think David frost was trying to manipulate the president because he kept asking all these weird questions to get to the bottom of it. I believe I liked the ending very much.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Trip to Pierre

Overall I thought Pierre was good, got to learn how to pass a bill and learn how their process works. My favorite part was when we spoke to our representative and got to take a picture with him as well. I like the way he votes like when he voted for the tanning beds to be illegal for ages 18 and under. I would vote for that to because it is dangerous and that's why I never tanned in a tanning bed in my life and never will. He had a lot of good things to say.

I saw lots of neat things in the capital and learned a lot from being in each room like the governors room, she told us some information about the room like the furniture is 110 years old on the other side of the room. That was very interesting in my book; for all that I have seen in the capital I know important information that can be useful in the future. There were a lot of business men in the capital to walking around on phones and going into rooms, it must have been a busy day for them, it was an interesting trip.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Keep capitalism because it is used in the production and distribution of goods. It is good to have around but also the government is having a real tough time with it lately like trying to create a disciplined and regimented workforce. It is a problem to us because going to work daily will cause extreme tiredness and will be hard on the government. There has been an increase in manufacturing and federalism everywhere so we as a team need to work together to keep capitalism but then again everything has to die someday and if capitalism need to die then let it die. Probably need a new one anyways. A new government would be nice as well but back on topic, I believe that capitalism has its chance to shine and make things right. Capitalism can be shut down if the government allows it to, if people think it’s no good then that is their problem not mine.

They are having problems with their jobs, economy, and manufacturing. It’s causing a big gape in the world. The laboring population has gone bad in England, it took place by the clock, each was responsible for certain parts and you got to keep going and working. Also another problem is the wage system, the place of work and the conditions people have to work and live in. There are many variations around the country.

The first stage of capitalism came during the 17 century; merchants became gradually involved in the production of goods and supplying materials. The merchant made capitalism by ownership, making profits, control of production. This is considered the first stage of capitalism. Capitalism became the world’s dominant economic power. It was producing goods cheaply and need to open overseas markets. This did mean a call for international free trade and an end to the tariffs. It has been originally set up to protect capitalists from foreign completion.

They wanted to lengthen the working days to create a new class of overseer separate from the majority of the workers. It ended the practice of local wage setting and drew labor classes in horrific condition. I don’t know what to say in this condition but as an American citizen I am rethinking my decision and would rather have capitalism die because it is very harsh to the government now but I am going to let the people vote on this one.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John Adams Response

Democracy is hard to keep and it will soon die is what John Adams is saying. We won’t ever have a democracy that would last; it would soon commit suicide which means it will go away. I believe that is true in some ways but that doesn’t mean we can’t try and keep democracy. I don’t understand why it wastes away like that. Aristocracy and monarchy both deal with the ruling of government and is said to be more important than democracy, I believe they are all the same and should consider staying. I think once democracy wastes itself, there will be another democracy among us.

Once democracy renews itself, the government can start new, just because a democracy doesn’t stay long doesn’t mean it can’t make new. From his understanding democracy is nothing to him, he doesn’t have faith in it because he is saying all this negative stuff about it and from my understanding he doesn’t care whether democracy makes it or not. The government needs representatives in the house. Democracy is just like a democrat, we need democrats and republicans like we need democracy here now.

Democracy may ware out itself but it shouldn’t go away, I doubt it even dies out. The fate of democracy can live on just like all the other governments rulers, just got to know how to deal with it and set the laws. It’s all about majority rules; it’s up to the people in democracy. The people decide it is vested in the people and exercised directly by them, it is stated that people do have a direct say in the country’s affairs, the people must be free.

The man must take responsibility for his rulers and representatives and for his own rights. In my understanding the people choose what’s best for this country because the men are choosing rulers for government. We all should live a better society where we choose things and it stays, not if we choose things then a while later decide we are shutting down. John Adams directly says democracy will eventually die out and waste it, exhausts itself, well I say yes it’s true but is that what we are going to do though? Do you want to ignore it and let democracy fail or do you want to do something about this? The choice is up to the people if they want to deal with it or not.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bicameral Congress

The British Parliament was already thinking of a Bicameral since the 1300s and also most Americans knew the Bicameral system quite well. There's only one state that has a unicameral legislature and that's Nebraska.

According to this the most populous states wanted to distribute seats in congress in proportion to the population of each state according to the book. The smaller states demanded an equal voice in congress and Bicameralism is a reflection of federalism, each state is represented equally and in the line with its population.

The framers did favor a bicameral congress. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington sat down and discussed that Washington was opposed to a two chambered legislature which they made their point while they drank coffee. The framers saw bicameralism as a way to diffuse the power of congress. It seems that the population is getting bigger because of bicameral congress. Just remember if the states had not been equally represented in the senate, there would never have been a constitution - page 263

I believe the state should do what they feel is the best way to handle things, if they think it's a good idea then go for it, they say the first choice is always the best choice.